Process Detail

What is Diagnostic Tool.exe ?

Diagnostic Tool.exe is known as Diagnostic Tool, it also has the following name Diagnostic Software or BarTender 2016 and it is developed by Watchdata Technologies Pte., Ltd. , it is also developed by CalFrac Well Services Ltd. Unknown . We have seen about 13 different instances of Diagnostic Tool.exe in different location. So far we haven't seen any alert about this product. If you think there is a virus or malware with this product, please submit your feedback at the bottom.

Diagnostic Tool.exe

Something wrong with Diagnostic Tool.exe ?

Is Diagnostic Tool.exe using too much CPU or memory ? It's probably your file has been infected with a virus. Let try the program named DriverIdentifier to see if it helps.

How to remove Diagnostic Tool.exe

If you encounter difficulties with Diagnostic Tool.exe , you can uninstall the associated program (Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs

What can you do to fix Diagnostic Tool.exe ?

Let try to run a system scan with Speed Up My PC to see any error, then you can do some other troubleshooting steps.
If you think this is a driver issue, please try

Where do we see Diagnostic Tool.exe ?

Here is the list of instances that we see for the process: Diagnostic Tool.exe

  Path Product Name Vendor Version Size MD5
1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Watchdata\WatchKey USB token Tool\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Watchdata Technologies Pte., Ltd. 1, 0, 0, 3 166297 89ABA7737A6264EE50ABCB60581F6195
2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Watchdata\WatchKey USB token Tool\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Watchdata Technologies Pte., Ltd. 1, 0, 0, 3 166297 AAC29C033FB41B6892B0567159A8F8E1
3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Calfrac Well Services Ltd\Diagnostic Tool\Diagnostic tool.exe Diagnostic Software CalFrac Well Services Ltd. 0.08.0021 43008 786C19A192FFD0E8DF18C5812B8DB511
4 F:\PRINTER\Diagnostic Tool V1.016b\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 183705 8073D336AF16AF6471044EE211544A7E
5 D:\Master\Xprinter\Diagnostic Tool V1.019b (1) 2\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 178995 8DD29C99565814C529C958BC97EC0002
6 C:\Users\username\Downloads\16354047025699\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 1808896 3FDC3FC6D402BCA806B41C3A4A425CD0
7 C:\Users\username\Downloads\16444908355437\Diagnostic Tool V1.028b\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 1811456 7ADB87187B35267F7975F8801009F6DF
8 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa5872.19338\Diagnostic Tool V1.019b\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 1781248 605CF0708B5104D50F1F8570341F0522
9 C:\Users\username\Downloads\16631275095204\Diagnostic Tool V1.028b\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 181145 7ADB87187B35267F7975F8801009F6DF
10 D:\barcode\Diagnostic Tool1.028\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool Unknown 181145 2AB611437602A83CF01ED4D8E0CCD585
11 C:\diagnostic tool\Diagnostic Tool1.028\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool 1811456 7ADB87187B35267F7975F8801009F6DF
12 E:\driver printer\meva remo á?Èá Òä Èå åãÑÇå Ñ?ÓÊ Ý˜ÊæÑ?\meva mbp 4200 BarTender 2016 2016 R8 0 6
13 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa6236.27461\software-elgin-utility-l42-dt\Utility Elgin L42 DT V1.021b\Diagnostic Tool.exe Diagnostic Tool 180326 FAEF8E5B19FD3D804734A1229BC8BB64

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